Thursday, June 25, 2009

How to talk about the iPhone without being an advertisement for the iPhone

I haven't a clue how to do it.

Up until last Friday I had never owned a cellphone. The gentleman at the counter was having trouble hearing me as he repeated his question: "What service do you have currently?"

True, I am (and have been) rather hypocritical. I spurned the cellphone, all along borrowing my wife's to make calls when away from home, and allowing friends to call her to learn of my whereabouts.

Now I have my own. I have officially turned to the "dark side." And friends have been quick to point out that I didn't just join the dark side, I reached the far end of its dark corner by purchasing an iPhone, the uber-connector. True, it may be one step removed from the notorious "crackberry," as it is so filled with fun and games it could hardly be blamed for allowing one to work too much...

But it has already helped my productivity. My email inbox is empty. I have already used its gps feature more than a dozen times to find restaurants nearby. I finally have a place to store my contacts, and I will never get lost in the woods and be eaten by a grizzly while utilizing my handy compass and laser-guided assault rifle (okay, the last hasn't quite made the app store yet, but it is surely on its way).

Having the internet at my fingertips is an amazing tool, especially when it looks this pretty. Research at my command.

Really and truly, this is more about me. I am now a part of the cellphone revolution. And I have an iPhone. Sue me.

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